Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cpt Barbeau Is Home!!!

This is a post I have dreamt of writing for the last year and FINALLY here it is. We got our beloved solider, husband, and dad home from Iraq! He came home on Sunday the 24th in the evening. We decided we wanted to surprise the kids so my dear friend Dana (huge huge thanks) kept the kids over night for us and we surprised them on Monday (more on that in a minute)
The whole process of them coming home is crazy. They land at Hunter Army Airfield where they are shown a "welcome home" video told their work schedules and sign up for classes they need like the motorcycle safety class then they are bused over to Ft Stewart. When they get to Ft Stewart they march onto the parade field and after the Anthem, a short speech, a prayer, and the Dog Face Solider song they are released to find their families. Thank heavens Ben and I had our phones...I text him where I was standing and didn't fact he came to me. I wasn't about to loose a limb or an earring for that matter in the chaos of girls jumping and running for what they think is their man...hey lets be honest until you're within 3 feet one Solider looks the same as another.  I know I'm making light of this ceremony but in all honesty I was in tears the whole time. I can not explain the sense of pride, love, and appreciation you feel standing amongst a group of others who have carried the same burdens, cried the same tears, and celebrated the same milestones as you for the last year. Its in awe that I watched all 300+ of those Soldiers come home to their families physically intact. I hugged Ben and instantly felt 1000 pds lighter and an unspoken stress washed away within seconds. I love this boy of mine and am so so very proud of him! Words can not begin to explain how excited I am that he is here with us.  Here's a video of the Soldiers singing before they were released. The kids love this song...

On Monday Ben and I went to breakfast and then to the kids school to surprise them. I'm so mad at myself for not recording this I had told myself all morning I would and then it all happened so fast and I was too excited.
I had told the kids I had to work so they were staying at Danas house Sunday night but I would have to check them out early for a dentist appt on Monday. The Secretary was so excited when we told her what was going on she went and got the kids herself and Ben stood in the hall where it turned so they couldn't see him and I stood at the end where they could see me. As they walk up Pais saw Ben and just says "Daddy!?!" and without taking her eyes off him walks right to me. Easton saw Ben though and went for it...he ran over to him and wouldn't let go. After we checked the kids out they were in disbelief and loved the surprise. All the rest of the day Pais was on Bens lap and Easton kept saying I cant believe dad is home for good.
We have tried to break him in slowly but we cant help take him everywhere and show him off!


Jake, Ashlee, and Jaxon Gardner said...

I'm SO glad you have your hubby home! I'm in tears reading your post-I'm so grateful for all the sacrifices those in the military-and their families make. What an awesome homecoming and fun surprise for your kids-I'm not sure if I could keep it a secret! I've thought about you often and I'm just so glad your husband is home!

Lisa Brown said...

Oh my goodness - listening to that video of them singing brought me to tears. I am so glad he is home now and that your family is complete again!

Elizabeth Checchio said...

What an amazing homecoming. I had no idea what went into it. Just reading about it made me well up a little bit.
Hurray! I am so glad he is home. Now I just need him to let you go out since I haven't seen you since. ;)

Trezise Momma said...

Welcome home, Ben!! You have been missed by one and all, but most especially by your awesome wife and two special kiddos. Thank you so very much for your service.

The Barton Family said...

Yay! Amber I am so happy for you guys and excited for all the new adventures you are heading on!